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Los Macheteros:
The Wells Fargo Robbery
and the Violent Struggle
for Puerto Rican

Ronald Fernández

PReb en las Naciones Unidas
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de las Naciones Unidas

Historia general de Puerto Rico Biografía de Betances Don Pedro The Young Lords
Libros de historia
de Puerto Rico
por Fernando Picó

del Dr. Betances

Jesús Pedro
del Campo Montes:
La conciencia
de Puerto Rico
We Took the Streets:
Fighting for Latino Rights
with the Young Lords

PReb: Puerto Rico en breve

Nota: transcripción del documento original archivado en el F.B.I. PReb ha sido el primero en dar a conocer en el internet estos documentos antes que la Prensa y la Legislatura en Puerto Rico.

Carta al director del FBI Edgar Hoover
sobre don Pedro Albizu Campos
y el Partido Nacionalista puertorriqueño

Comunicado de Prensa enviado a "PReb" por el congresista Serrano
Decisión del FBI de actuar agresivamente contra los independentistas en 1960
Documento del FBI espiando reunión del MPI en el 1960
M.P.I.: Movimiento Pro Independencia de Puerto Rico

Reacción del rep. Serrano ante informe de la Oficina del Procurador General de los Estados Unidos sobre la muerte de Filiberto Ojeda Ruiz
Congresistas piden investiguen muerte de Filiberto Ojeda
Congresistas ante abusos FBI en Puerto Rico
Cuestionan Homeland Sec. ante incidentes

El FBI y los independentistas en Puerto Rico

District of Puerto Rico

San Juan, Puerto Rico
January 15, 1936

Via air mail.

Honorable John Edgar Hoover, Director
Federal Bureau of Investigation
U. S. Department of Justice
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. Hoover:

For approximately ten years there has been in existence in Puerto Rico a political group known an the Nationalist Party which aims to secure the separation of the Island from the United States in order that may become a republic. During approximately the last, even seven years the leader of that Party has been one Pedro Albizu Campos, -who is virtually dictator of all its policies and activities.

In recent years Albizu and other members of his Party have caused to be published in the local press numerous articles insulting the United States and its institutions, and endeavoring to incite Puerto Ricans against the United States.

Since 1928 the Party has conducted throughout the Island a campaign of public speeches in favor of Independence which constantly harp on the fact that the purpose of the United States is to exploit Puerto Rico and Its citizens. In 1932 or 1933 these speeches were supplemented by articles in the weekly newspaper known as "La Nación", which was publish.

In the election of 1952 this Party obtained approximately 5,000 or 6,000 votes of a total of approximately 400,000. The speeches and activities of this Party have gradually become more flagrant,- bolder, and more open.

Las carpetas
Las carpetas:
persecución política y derechos civiles
en Puerto Rico
(ensayos y documentos)

Since 1928 the Party has conducted throughout the Island a campaign of public speeches in favor of Independence which constantly harp on the fact that the purpose of the United States is to exploit Puerto Rico and Its citizens. In 1932 or 1933 these speeches were supplemented by articles in the weekly newspaper known as "La Nación", which was publish.

In the election of 1952 this Party obtained approximately 5,000 or 6,000 votes of a total of &approximately 400,000. The speeches and activities of this Party have gradually become more flagrant,- bolder, and more open.

Various physical acts of disorder have been traced to them, a1though no satisfactory proof thereof been _?_ es by the-insular authorities charged with the enforcement of federal and insular buildings and private buildings were bombed in San Juan and other places. Under the circumstances of theses bombings, I have reason to believe thet most of them were instigated by the Nationalist Party.

In October, 1955, Albizu Campos broadcast by radio a speech Insulting students of the University of Puerto Rico. Students thereupon arranged a meeting at the University to make a protest. Local police claimed they had discovered a conspiracy of members of the Party to break up the proposed meeting by gun-play. As a result of the attempt of the police to stop various members of the Nationalist Party from going to this meeting, an armed struggle ensued between the police and the persons they were arresting, which resulted in the police killing several members of the Nationalist Party. At their funeral Albizu Campos and several of his henchmen delivered orations which come very close to inciting armed insurrection against the United States and its established government here.

Following this event, the Party began to publish a weekly newspaper known as "La Palabra", in which the same campaign of invective and insurrection has been continued.

The Party maintains in most of the towns here a sort of militia who wear black shirts to identify themselves and who occasionally gather for drilling. Recently the Party has set up posters requesting contributions for its so-called "Liberating Army" urging immediate enrollment therein.

Albizu Campos is undoubtedly planning to use the coming elections in November 1936, as a focal point for his activities. The situation has reached such a stage that both the Governor of Puerto Rico and the Head of the Bureau of Territories and Island Possessions in the Department of the Interior have consulted me about it. In addition, the present Grand Jury has inquired of me if any action can be taken by then in this matter.

Without any detailed investigation thereof, it seems to ins that some of the acts committed by Albizu Campos and his followers may well well be violative of Title 18, U. S. C. A., Sections, 4, 6, 7, 8, 344, and 345.

I therefore believe it urgent that a Special Agent of the Bureau of Investigation be sent here at once to make an undercover Investigation of this situation before it becomes even more aggravated. If possible, the man who is sent should read and speak Spanish, and have the appearance of a Latin. I suggest that your agent interview me prior to beginning his investigation.

I am sending a copy of this letter to the Special Agent in charge at Jacksonville, Florida.

With kind personal regards,

Sincerely yours,

/s/ A. Cecil Snyder
United States Attorney


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