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PReb: Puerto Rico en breve

El FBI y los independentistas en Puerto Rico

Comunicado de prensa enviado a "PReb":


Informe sobre los nacionalistas; año de 1936
La decisión del FBI de actuar agresivamente contra los independentistas en 1960
Documento del FBI espiando reunión del MPI en el 1960
M.P.I.: Movimiento Pro Independencia de Puerto Rico

Reacción del rep. Serrano ante informe de la Oficina del Procurador General de los Estados Unidos sobre la muerte de Filiberto Ojeda Ruiz
Congresistas piden investiguen muerte de Filiberto Ojeda
Congresistas ante abusos FBI en Puerto Rico
Cuestionan Homeland Sec. ante incidentes

Congresista José E. Serrano

José E. Serrano

Washington, D.C., July 28, 2003
Congressman Jose E. Serrano (D-NY) today sent copies of FBI files related to the persecution of leaders of the independence movement to the Senate Investigative Committee in Puerto Rico, including newly released information about the Federation of University Students for Independence.

The eight boxes of files detail the FBI's persecution of leaders of the independence movement and include information about Luis Munoz Marin, Pedro Albizu Campos, and COINTELPRO, the FBI's counterintelligence program, designed by the United States Government to uncover organizations or individuals who were considered threats to national security. COINTELPRO was not isolated to Puerto Rico. It affected people of different political ideologies across this country. The independence movement was targeted as one of those groups. Former independence leader Pedro Albizu Campos died shortly after his release from Federal prison, and commonwealth supporter Luis Munoz Marin was the first elected governor of Puerto Rico who was born on the island.

Of those eight boxes, four contain new information about the Federation of University Students (FUPI).

"Delivering these documents will start the process in Puerto Rico of investigating this issue," Serrano said. "It is part of a lengthy and important process that will allow Puerto Ricans and people all over the country and the world to learn more about this ugly chapter in our history."

In Puerto Rico, the Senate passed a resolution March 14 calling for a probe into the federal government's role in the creation of political dossiers on members of the Independence Party. The Puerto Rican government also has established a fund to compensate people targeted by this operation.

Serrano raised the issue of the FBI files on March 16 during the FBI's budget hearing before the Commerce, Justice, State, Judiciary and Related Agencies Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, which funds the FBI, among other federal agencies. Serrano is ranking Democrat on the Subcommittee.

Serrano is sending the FBI files to Puerto Rico Senator Kenneth McClintock, President of the Commission on Government and Federal Affairs, which is overseeing the investigation, Senator Manuel Rodriguez Orellana, of the Puerto Rico Independence Party, and Eduardo Bhatia, of the Democratic Popular Party.

"It is only fitting that these documents be delivered to Puerto Rico where many of these activities took place, where it has been known that the FBI targeted professors, university students, and so many others," Serrano said.

Martes, 27 de septiembre de 2005

El congresista demócrata de origen puertorriqueño José Serrano afirmó hoy que el operativo en el que el Negociado Federal de Investigaciones (FBI) disparó y mató al dirigente independentista Filiberto Ojeda Ríos cambiará la forma en que los puertorriqueños perciben al gobierno estadounidense.
Serrano, nacido en Mayagüez y quien está en su noveno ciclo en el Congreso federal como representante por Nueva York, dijo que las expresiones de indignación por el operativo no se limitan al sector independentista.

"Eso ha tocado a mucha gente y es posible que cambie la relación o la forma en que la gente vea la relación de Estados Unidos con Puerto Rico. Personas que no veían un gran problema con la relación con Estados Unidos podrían ahora ver esto como un acto de arrogancia total de Estados Unidos para demostrar su fuerza", dijo Serrano desde Washington a Prensa Asociada.

Serrano sostuvo que sectores estadistas y estadolibristas han expresado su descontento con "la arrogancia" del FBI de no informarle al gobierno local sobre el operativo y de "quizás permitir que el hombre se muriera".

nota: El líder Machetero, Filiberto Ojeda Ríos, fue asesinado a tiros por el FBI el 23 de septiembre del 2005, día de la conmemoración del Grito de Lares.


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